WW1 Canadian CEF Medal Group Military Medal 404565 Cpl EA Webb 24th Btn Plated


WW1 Canadian CEF Medal Group Military Medal 404565 Cpl EA Webb 24th Btn Plated

Availability: 1 in stock

This historically significant medal group is a testament to the bravery and dedication of Corporal EA Webb, a valiant member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) during World War I. Identified by service number 404565, Cpl Webb served with distinction in the 24th Battalion. This collection includes the prestigious Military Medal, awarded for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty under fire. The medals are carefully plated, preserving them in excellent condition to honor the legacy of a courageous soldier. Each piece in this group not only represents Cpl Webb’s individual heroism but also offers a tangible connection to the sacrifices made by all Canadian forces during the Great War. This is a rare and valuable ensemble for collectors, historians, and anyone passionate about military history.

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