This meticulously framed collection, titled “WW1 Canadian CEF 58th Battalion VOAKES Medal & Insignia Group,” pays homage to the valor and dedication of a Canadian soldier from the First World War. The ensemble centers around the distinguished VOAKES medal, awarded for outstanding bravery and service, and integrates an array of authentic insignias worn by the members of the 58th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). Each item within the frame has been carefully preserved, offering a glimpse into the historical legacy and sacrifice associated with the Great War. This assemblage not only serves as a powerful tribute to the individual soldier’s legacy but also stands as a representation of the collective heroism of the 58th Battalion. Ideal for historians, collectors, and military enthusiasts, this framed presentation provides a tangible connection to Canada’s rich military heritage during a pivotal moment in world history.
WW1 Canadian CEF 58th Battalion VOAKES Medal & Insignia Group Framed
WW1 Canadian CEF 58th Battalion VOAKES Medal & Insignia Group Framed
Availability: 1 in stock