Customs & Traditions Of The Canadian Armed Forces Book


A used softcover Customs & Traditions Of The Canadian Armed Forces Book. Total of 265 pages.

Availability: 1 in stock

Dive into the rich history and unique cultural practices of Canada’s military with the *Customs & Traditions Of The Canadian Armed Forces Book*. This comprehensive 265-page softcover volume takes readers on an enlightening journey through the time-honored traditions that have shaped the Canadian Armed Forces. From ceremonial dress and battle honors to daily routines and rites of passage, this book provides a detailed exploration of the customs that uphold the values and heritage of this esteemed institution. Suitable for military enthusiasts, historians, and anyone interested in Canadian culture, this used edition offers a window into the disciplined yet vibrant life within the Armed Forces. Unearth the stories behind the salutes, the symbols, and the ceremonies that define the proud legacy of Canada’s military personnel.

Customs & Traditions Of The Canadian Arm

Customs & Traditions Of The Canadian Armed Forces

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