WW2 US Navy Warship Perspectives Atlanta Class Cruisers SC Reference Book


WW2 US Navy Warship Perspectives Atlanta Class Cruisers SC Reference Book. Total of 80 pages with lots of photos and information

Availability: 2 in stock

“WW2 US Navy Warship Perspectives: Atlanta Class Cruisers SC Reference Book” offers a meticulously detailed examination of the Atlanta-class cruisers that served during World War II. Spanning 80 pages, this essential guide is brimming with a wealth of photos and comprehensive information, making it an indispensable resource for history enthusiasts, naval historians, and model builders alike. Each page provides insightful perspectives on the design, deployment, and operational history of these versatile and formidable ships. Through high-quality photographs and in-depth descriptions, readers are transported back to the era of naval warfare, gaining a profound understanding of the strategic importance and innovations of the Atlanta-class cruisers. Whether you are conducting research or indulging in a passion for naval history, this reference book provides a rich, illustrative record of the bravery and engineering excellence that defined these iconic vessels.

Weight 1.0 kg

WW II (1939-45)





Region of Origin

United States

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