WW2 US M1C Airborne Paratroop Helmet Named With Rank Bar Follow Me & Unit Flash


WW2 US M1C Airborne Paratroop Helmet Named With Rank Bar Follow Me & Unit Flash, front seam and swivel bales.

Availability: 1 in stock

The WW2 US M1C Airborne Paratroop Helmet is a remarkable piece of military history, meticulously designed for the rigorous demands of airborne operations. This helmet features a front seam and swivel bales, epitomizing the durability and practicality required by paratroopers during World War II. Adorned with a rank bar and adorned with a distinctive “Follow Me” stripe, it served not just as protective gear but as a symbol of leadership and unit cohesion. The addition of the unit flash further personalizes the helmet, indicating the specific airborne division to which the soldier belonged. Named and identifiable, this helmet is more than just an artifact; it tells the story of the brave individuals who donned it in the line of duty. As such, it offers a tangible connection to the storied legacy of the US airborne forces, making it a treasured item for collectors and history enthusiasts alike.


WW II (1939-45)





Region of Origin

United States

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