WW2 German SA Sports Badge #755882


WW2 German SA Sports Badge #755882

Availability: 1 in stock

WW2 German SA Sports Badge #755882 is a genuine historical artifact from the era of the Second World War, carrying significant historical and collectible value. Issued by the Sturmabteilung (SA), the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, this sports badge was awarded to individuals who demonstrated exceptional physical fitness and prowess. Badge #755882 features the distinct design elements typical of the period, including the swastika emblem and intricate detailing that reflects the militaristic ethos of the time. Made from durable metal and possibly featuring a serial number on its reverse side, this badge not only symbolizes the grueling physical standards of the era but also serves as a sobering reminder of the historical context within which it was awarded. Bearing witness to a tumultuous period, WW2 German SA Sports Badge #755882 offers collectors and historians alike a tangible connection to the past.

Weight 1.0 kg
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