WW2 German SA Sports Badge


WW2 German SA Sports Badge

Availability: 1 in stock

The WW2 German SA Sports Badge is a historical artifact from the era of the Second World War, symbolizing physical prowess and dedication to the principles of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazi Party’s original paramilitary wing. Instituted in 1933 by SA Chief of Staff Ernst Röhm, this insignia was awarded to members who met stringent physical training requirements. Crafted in bronze, silver, or gold, the badge features an oak leaf wreath encompassing a Roman broadsword, intersected by a mobile swastika. Each variant signifies different levels of accomplishment and involvement. Collectors and historians regard the SA Sports Badge as a significant piece of military history, representing the indoctrination of physical fitness and ideology within the Third Reich. It serves as a stark reminder of the extensive efforts to instill martial values among the youth and the broader population during a tumultuous period in global history.

Weight 1.0 kg
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