Title: WW2 German British US After The Battle NO 56 Ambush SS Gen Rauter Reference Book Description: Dive into the gripping history of World War II with this detailed reference book, “WW2 German British US After The Battle NO 56: The Ambush SS General Rauter.” This softcover edition spans 53 pages and is rich with photographs and insightful information. It meticulously examines the ambush of SS General Rauter, offering a comprehensive overview of the events from multiple perspectives, including those of German, British, and American forces. This well-researched volume is an invaluable resource for historians, collectors, and enthusiasts seeking to understand this pivotal moment in WW2. While it is a used copy, it remains in good condition, providing readers with an authentic glimpse into the past. Whether for academic study or personal interest, this book is an essential addition to any World War II library.
WW2 German British US After The Battle NO 56 Ambush SS Gen Rauter Reference Book
This is a used softcover WW2 German British US After The Battle NO 56 The Ambush SS General Rauter Reference Book. Total of 53 pages with lots of pictures and information.
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
Conflict | WW II (1939-45) |
Original/Reproduction | Original |
Region of Origin | Germany |
Theme | Militaria |