“WW2 Chinese Japan: A Boy’s War POW Concentration Camp Reference Book” is a compelling softcover publication spanning 170 pages. This volume delves into the harrowing experiences of a young boy during World War II, capturing his life in a Japanese POW concentration camp. Rich with detailed information and evocative photographs, the book serves as a significant historical reference. Whether you are a student, researcher, or history enthusiast, this comprehensive resource offers profound insights into a turbulent period, illustrating personal stories amidst global conflict. Perfect for academic or personal collections, this book is an invaluable asset for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of wartime experiences in Asia. Available for global shipping, with a 5% GST applicable on all sales within Canada.
WW2 Chineese Japan A Boys War POW Concentration Camp Reference Book
A used soft cover WW2 Chineese Japan A Boys War POW Concentration Camp Reference Book. Total of 170 pages, with lots of information and pictures. Great for reference. I ship all over the world. GST of 5% is applicable on all sales within Canada.
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