This is a notable relic from World War II, a British Army Air Corps Glider Pilot Regiment Cap Badge. The badge, proudly worn by glider pilots of the British Army, is made with fine quality materials that have stood the test of time. Its intricate design features a eagle with outstretched wings symbolizing the airborne force. The badge is uniquely shaped like a glider, a subtle reference to the regiment’s role during the war. It is steeped in historic significance, as these pilots played a crucial role in airborne operations, displaying bravery and skill in extremely challenging conditions. This badge is a remarkable piece of military history, an homage to a group of unsung heroes of World War II. Its enduring quality makes it an invaluable addition to any collection of military memorabilia or for those passionate about air force history.
WW2 British Army Air Corps Glider Pilot Regiment Cap Badge
Availability: Only 1 left in stock