WW1 WW2 Korea RCN Canadian Courage At Sea vol3 Reference Book


A used hard cover WW1 WW2 Korea RCN Canadian Courage At Sea vol3 Reference Book. Total of 191 pages, with lots of information and pictures. Great for reference. I ship all over the world. GST of 5% is applicable on all sales within Canada.

Availability: 1 in stock

The ‘WW1 WW2 Korea RCN Canadian Courage At Sea vol3 Reference Book’ is a meticulously compiled hard cover resource that serves as an essential reference for history enthusiasts and researchers alike. Spanning 191 pages, this volume is rich with detailed information and illustrative images that vividly capture the valor and resilience of the Royal Canadian Navy through the world’s most pivotal conflicts—World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. Ideal for those studying military history, naval warfare, or Canadian forces, this third volume in the series provides in-depth insights into the relentless courage displayed at sea. Whether for academic purposes or personal interest, this book stands as a testament to the bravery and dedication of Canadian servicemen. Available for international shipment, a Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 5% applies to all purchases within Canada. Embark on a historical journey through the pages of Canadian maritime bravery with this stellar reference guide.

WW1 WW2 Korea RCN Canadian Courage At Se

WW1 WW2 Korea RCN Canadian Courage At Sea vol3 Re

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