Title: WW1 WW2 Canada: The Canadian Military Motorcycle Reference Book Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of Canada’s military motorcycles with this meticulously detailed reference book. This hard cover edition, totaling 193 pages, offers a comprehensive look at the pivotal role motorcycles played in Canadian military operations from World War I through to limited service in Afghanistan. Rich with high-quality period photographs and in-depth information, this book provides a rare and valuable insight into this specialized aspect of military history. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, military buff, or motorcycle aficionado, you will find engrossing content on the development, deployment, and legacy of these remarkable machines. Published in 2010, this reference book stands as an essential addition to any serious collection, shining a spotlight on a niche yet impactful segment of Canada’s military heritage.
WW1 WW2 Canada The Canadian Military Motorcycle Reference Book
This is a hard cover new condition The Canadian Military Motorcycle Reference Book with a total of 193 pages. Contains information and many many quality period photos of Canada’s Motorcycles. This is a rare subject and WW1, WW2 and Post War use up to limited service in Afghanistan is covered. This edition was published in 2010.
Availability: In stock