WW1 US AEF 27th Infantry Division British Made Broad Arrowed


WW1 US AEF 27th Infantry Division British Made Broad Arrowed

Availability: 1 in stock

The title “WW1 US AEF 27th Infantry Division British Made Broad Arrowed” refers to a unique piece of military memorabilia from World War I. The 27th Infantry Division, part of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), played a significant role in the war, fighting alongside Allied forces on the Western Front. This item, marked with a distinctive broad arrow, indicates that it was manufactured in Britain and supplied to American troops. The broad arrow is a traditional mark used by the British government to denote government property and military issuance. Collectors and historians alike will find this artifact fascinating as it highlights the international cooperation between the US and the UK during the Great War. Such items provide a tangible connection to the past, offering insights into the logistics, supply chains, and material culture of the era. This specific artifact would be a valuable addition to any military history collection, symbolizing the shared efforts and sacrifices of wartime allies.


WW I (1914-18)



Region of Origin

United States



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