WW1 Royal Canadian Dragoons CEF Officers Dog Tag Grouping


WW1 Royal Canadian Dragoons CEF Officers Dog Tag Grouping 

Availability: 1 in stock

The “WW1 Royal Canadian Dragoons CEF Officers Dog Tag Grouping” represents a significant piece of military history from the First World War. This collection includes the authentic identification tags of officers who served in the Canadian Expeditionary Force’s esteemed cavalry regiment, the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Each dog tag within this grouping bears personal details, often containing the officer’s name, rank, and service number, providing a tangible connection to the individuals who fought and served with valor. The Royal Canadian Dragoons were renowned for their bravery and strategic importance in various major battles across Europe. This grouping not only honors the memory of these courageous officers but also offers a unique insight into the personal stories and sacrifices made during the Great War. Perfect for historians, collectors, and those interested in military history, this dog tag grouping is a poignant reminder of the heroes from Canada’s military past.


WW I (1914-18)







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