WW1 Canadian CEF Pattern 08 Cavalry Other Ranks Troopers Sword RCHA RMC


WW1 Canadian CEF Pattern 08 Cavalry Other Ranks Troopers Sword RCHA

Availability: 1 in stock

The ‘WW1 Canadian CEF Pattern 08 Cavalry Other Ranks Troopers Sword RCHA RMC’ represents a significant piece of Canadian military history. Designed for use during World War I, this sword was standard issue for the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) cavalry units, distinguishing itself with a robust and practical design suited for the rigors of battle. The Pattern 08, indicative of its 1908 introduction, was utilized by non-commissioned troopers, reflecting their role in combat scenarios. The sword bears relevance to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (RCHA), emphasizing its importance in mounted artillery units. Additionally, it has connections to the Royal Military College (RMC), highlighting its role in training and ceremonial use. Collectors and historians value such artifacts for their craftsmanship and the stories they tell about the bravery, discipline, and daily experiences of Canadian soldiers during WW1. This sword is not just a weapon but a historical symbol of Canada’s military heritage.

Weight 1.0 kg
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