WW1 British Canadian BEF Turkish POW Prisoner Beadwork Purse 11 Inches 4


WW1 British Canadian BEF Turkish POW Prisoner Beadwork Purse 11 Inches 4

Availability: 1 in stock

This unique beadwork purse is an exceptional historical artifact from World War I, reflecting the convergence of diverse cultural elements. It measures 11 inches and was crafted by Turkish prisoners of war held by the British Canadian Expeditionary Force (BEF). The intricate beadwork woven into the purse offers a glimpse into the resourcefulness and creativity of the POWs, who used available materials to create items of both artistic and functional value. The purse is not only significant for its craftsmanship but also as a tangible reminder of the complex human stories entwined within wartime experiences. Its detailed design and historical context make it a fascinating collector’s piece, evoking the resilience and ingenuity of those who made it amidst the adversities of captivity. This artifact stands as a poignant testament to the interactions between different nations and individuals during a tumultuous period in history.


WW I (1914-18)





Region of Origin

United States

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