US Korean War 1952 Dated Carlisle Bandage Pouch with Contents


US Korean War 1952 Dated Carlisle Bandage Pouch with Contents

Availability: 1 in stock

The ‘US Korean War 1952 Dated Carlisle Bandage Pouch with Contents’ is a historical military artifact from the Korean War era. This pouch, dated 1952, offers a tangible connection to the brave soldiers who served during the conflict. It contains an original Carlisle bandage, a staple in military first aid kits of the time, designed to provide immediate aid for battlefield injuries. The pouch itself is constructed from durable canvas, featuring markings and date stamps authenticating its period use. This piece serves not only as a collector’s item but also as an educational tool, providing insight into the medical provisions and matériel carried by US forces in the early 1950s. Owning this pouch means preserving a poignant piece of history, reflecting the ingenuity and preparedness of military medical support systems during one of America’s significant 20th-century conflicts.


Korea (1950-53)





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