“Japanese Sheathing The Sword: The Demilitarization of Japan” is a comprehensive hardcover reference book authored by Merion and Susie Harries. Spanning 364 pages, this meticulously researched volume delves into the pivotal era following World War II when Japan transitioned from a militaristic empire to a peace-oriented nation. Rich with historical photographs and detailed analysis, this book provides an insightful exploration of the policies, figures, and events that facilitated Japan’s demilitarization. Whether you are a historian, student, or enthusiast of Japanese history, this reference work serves as an invaluable resource for understanding the profound changes that reshaped Japan’s society and global standing in the mid-20th century. This used edition maintains its informative essence, making it a prized addition to any collection of historical literature.
Japanese Sheathing The Sword The Demilitarization of Japan HC Reference Book
This is a used hardcover Japanese Sheathing The Sword The Demilitarization of Japan Merion and Susie Harries Reference Book. Total of 364 pages with lots of pictures and information.
Availability: Only 1 left in stock