Canadian Militia 34th Ontario Shoulder Numbers Insignia Single


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The ‘Canadian Militia 34th Ontario Shoulder Numbers Insignia Single’ is a highly collectible piece of Canadian military history. It is a specific type of shoulder insignia uniquely associated with the 34th Ontario battalion of the Canadian Militia. This emblem, meticulously crafted, showcases the battalion’s number ’34’ prominently, signifying the membership and identity of the soldier. Often made from durable metals or embroidered fabric, this insignia would have been worn on the shoulder of a soldier’s uniform, denoting their affiliation and rank. Each piece of insignia is a testament to the bravery and service of the men who served in this battalion. For those passionate about military history, the ‘Canadian Militia 34th Ontario Shoulder Numbers Insignia Single’ serves as a tangible connection to Canada’s past, making it a must-have artifact for collectors and history enthusiasts alike.

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