Canadian 25th Brant Dragoons Cavalry Troopers Helmet


Canadian 25th Brant Dragoons Cavalry Troopers Helmet

Availability: 1 in stock

The Canadian 25th Brant Dragoons Cavalry Troopers Helmet is a distinguished piece of military history, emblematic of Canada’s storied cavalry units. This helmet, once worn by members of the 25th Brant Dragoons, showcases meticulous craftsmanship and features that highlight both aesthetic and functional aspects. The helmet is typically adorned with a prominent plume and brass fittings, symbolizing the valor and prestige of the regiment. The emblem or badge of the Brant Dragoons proudly embellishes the front, evoking a sense of pride and tradition. As a collectible, it serves as a poignant reminder of the early 20th-century Canadian cavalry, providing a tangible connection to the soldiers who once patrolled on horseback. This artifact not only represents military prowess but also encapsulates the heritage and enduring spirit of Canadian mounted troops. Ideal for military history enthusiasts and collectors alike, it stands as a significant relic of Canada’s defense legacy.





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