“British Irish: The Enemy Within – The IRAS War Against the British” is an engaging reference book that delves into the complex and tumultuous period of the Irish Republican Army’s (IRAS) conflict with Britain. This comprehensive volume spans 297 pages and is richly illustrated with numerous photographs, providing a detailed visual and informational account of the key events, figures, and strategies involved in this historical struggle. The book captures the tense atmosphere and challenges faced by both sides, offering readers a profound understanding of the socio-political landscape that shaped this conflict. Whether you are a history enthusiast, scholar, or curious reader, this hardcover reference book serves as an invaluable resource for exploring one of the most contentious periods in British-Irish relations.
British Irish The Enemy Within The IRAS War Against the British Reference Book
This is a used hardcover British Irish The Enemy Within The IRAS War Against the British Reference Book. Total of 297 pages with lots of pictures and information.
Availability: Only 1 left in stock