British Boer War South Africa and the Transvaal War Vol 1 Used Hardcover Reference Book


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This used hardcover reference book, ‘British Boer War South Africa and the Transvaal War Vol 1’, is a comprehensive historical guide that delves deep into the events of the British Boer War and the Transvaal War that took place in South Africa. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the military strategies, key events, and influential personalities that shaped these conflicts, offering readers a detailed understanding of this critical period in history. It is filled with rich, historical information, archival photographs, maps, and much more. Despite being a used book, it is in good condition and serves as an invaluable resource for historians, researchers, students, or history enthusiasts interested in the colonial history of South Africa and Britain’s imperialistic endeavors. This book is the first volume in a series that covers the complexities of these wars in great detail.  Total of 199 pages.

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