“British Afghanistan Beyond the Khyber Pass” is a hardcover reference book that delves into the rich history and intricate geopolitical intricacies of Afghanistan during the British Rule. This comprehensive guide takes readers on a captivating journey beyond the famous Khyber Pass, exploring the British influence on the region and its lasting impact. The book is a treasure trove of well-researched information, combining historical facts, political analysis, and cultural insights. It is not only a must-read for history buffs but also for those interested in understanding the complex dynamics of this key region. With its high-quality hardcover binding, this book is durable and designed to endure extensive usage, making it an exceptional addition to any personal library or academic institution. Its easy-to-navigate reference style allows readers to conveniently delve into specific topics of interest. Total of 329 pages.
British Afghanistan Beyond the Khyber Pass Hardcover Reference Book
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