“Austrian French Eggmühl 1809” is the 56th installment in the Osprey Campaign Series, meticulously examining the pivotal Battle of Eggmühl during the War of the Fifth Coalition. Spanning 96 pages, this volume delves into the strategic brilliance and fierce combat between the Austrian and French forces. It provides an in-depth analysis of the military strategies employed by both sides, featuring detailed maps, battle plans, and vivid illustrations that bring the historical conflict to life. Readers will find a comprehensive narrative that not only covers the crucial events of April 1809 but also explores the broader implications of the battle on the Napoleonic Wars. An indispensable resource for history enthusiasts and scholars alike, this book offers a compelling glimpse into one of the significant clashes of the 19th century.
Austrian French Eggmuhl 1809 Osprey Campaign Series 56 Reference Book
A brand new Austrian French Eggmuhl 1809 Osprey Campaign Series 56. Total of 96 pages
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