The Australian RAEME Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Shoulder Title is a distinctive insignia worn by members of the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME). This shoulder title symbolizes the critical role these engineers play in maintaining and repairing the Australian Army’s machinery, vehicles, and electronic equipment. With a history of excellence and dedication, RAEME personnel are renowned for their technical expertise and problem-solving abilities. The shoulder title is not only a mark of their professional identity but also a testament to their commitment to supporting military operations through superior engineering skills. Whether in the field or at the base, RAEME engineers ensure that the Army’s equipment is operational and mission-ready, embodying the motto “Arte et Marte” (By Skill and By Fighting). This insignia serves as a proud emblem of their invaluable contributions to the effectiveness and readiness of the Australian Defence Force.
Australian RAEME Electical & Mechanical Engineers Shoulder Title
Australian RAEME Electical & Mechanical Engineers Shoulder TitleĀ
Availability: 1 in stock