WW1 British BEF Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Slip On Shoulder Insignia


WW1 British BEF Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Slip On Shoulder Insignia

Availability: 1 in stock

The ‘WW1 British BEF Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Slip On Shoulder Insignia’ is a distinctive piece of military memorabilia from the First World War. Crafted to be worn by members of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), this insignia represents the esteemed Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI). Measuring appropriately for ease of attachment, the slip-on design allowed for quick and secure placement on the uniform shoulders. Made from durable materials typical of wartime manufacture, it bears the regiment’s unique emblem or initials, symbolizing their bravery and service during one of history’s most pivotal conflicts. This insignia not only served as a practical identifier on the battlefield but also stands today as a poignant reminder of the courage and sacrifice of the soldiers who served under the KOYLI banner during WW1. Collectors and historians alike treasure such artifacts for their historical significance and the tangible connection they provide to the past.


WW II (1939-45)







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