British Natal Mounted Rifles Pouch Badge


British Natal Mounted Rifles Pouch Badge, one lug missing

Availability: 1 in stock

The British Natal Mounted Rifles Pouch Badge is a significant piece of military history, harking back to the era when the British Empire held sway over the Natal province in South Africa. This intricately designed badge was worn with pride by members of the prestigious Natal Mounted Rifles, a volunteer militia unit established in the 19th century. Crafted from durable materials, the badge is typically adorned with symbolic imagery representing the regiment’s valor and heritage. Despite its age, the piece retains remarkable detail; however, one of its lugs is missing. This minor imperfection does not detract from its historical value, making it a prized collectible for military enthusiasts and historians alike. Ownership of such a badge offers a tangible connection to the storied past of the British colonial military forces, providing a unique glimpse into the life and times of the soldiers who once defended the frontier.





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