British Boer War QSA Trio Medal Group Q Battery RHA VC Action Gnr H Howard


British Boer War QSA Trio Medal Group Q Battery RHA VC Action Gnr H Howard

Availability: 1 in stock

This impressive medal group commemorates the bravery and valor of Gunner H. Howard of Q Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, during the British Boer War. The group includes the Queen’s South Africa Medal (QSA) trio, awarded for service in the conflict from 1899 to 1902. Q Battery is renowned for its heroic actions, notably during the Battle of Sanna’s Post, where extraordinary gallantry was displayed, leading to the awarding of multiple Victoria Crosses (VC). Gunner H. Howard’s contributions to this historic engagement highlight the courage and dedication of those who fought in one of the British Empire’s most challenging colonial wars. This medal group serves as a powerful testament to Howard’s service and the broader sacrifices made by the Royal Horse Artillery during a pivotal period in British military history. Such collectables are cherished by historians and enthusiasts alike for their deep connections to personal heroism and national heritage.

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