‘WW2 Germany Valkyrie: The Story Of The Plot To Kill Hitler’ is a meticulously researched reference book that delves into the dramatic and courageous attempt to overthrow Adolf Hitler during World War II. Encased in a durable hardcover, this 202-page volume offers an in-depth exploration of the infamous Operation Valkyrie. Published in 2009, it presents comprehensive details on the daring conspirators and their elaborate plan to assassinate Hitler and restore a just German government. Through a blend of historical accounts, personal testimonies, and strategic analysis, this book provides unprecedented insights into one of history’s most audacious and significant plots. Essential reading for history enthusiasts and scholars alike, it stands as a tribute to the brave individuals who risked everything in their pursuit of justice and humanity amidst the turmoil of war.
WW2 Germany Valkyrie The Story Of The Plot To Kill Hitler Reference Book
This is a hard cover, used condition; Valkyrie The Story Of The Plot To Kill Hitler Reference Book with a total of 202 pages. Contains information on the failed Operation Valkyrie and the attempt to kill Hitler and to reform a German Government during WW2. This edition was published in 2009.
Availability: Only 1 left in stock