WW1 WW2 Who Killed The Canadian Military Reference Book


A used hard cover WW1 WW2 Who Killed The Canadian Military Reference Book. Total of 249 pages, with lots of information and pictures. Great for reference. I ship all over the world. GST of 5% is applicable on all sales within Canada.

Availability: 1 in stock

**WW1 WW2 Who Killed The Canadian Military Reference Book** Dive deep into an enthralling exploration of Canada’s military history with this comprehensive reference book. Spanning 249 pages, this hardcover volume meticulously details key events from World War I and World War II, shedding light on pivotal moments that shaped the fate of the Canadian Armed Forces. Rich with information and complemented by an array of compelling photographs, this book serves as an invaluable resource for historians, researchers, and history enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re studying for academic purposes or expanding your personal knowledge, this reference guide offers a wealth of insights and reliable data. Available for worldwide shipping, this book is a must-have addition to any serious collection of military history literature. Please note, a 5% GST will apply to all sales within Canada.

WW1 WW2 Who Killed The Canadian Military

WW1 WW2 Who Killed The Canadian Military Reference

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