“WW2 German Defeat in the West” by Milton Shulman is a comprehensive hardcover reference book meticulously detailing the events that led to Germany’s downfall in Western Europe during World War II. This extensive volume spans 336 pages, brimming with in-depth analysis, historical insights, and numerous photographs that vividly bring the era to life. Perfect for history enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone interested in military history, this used edition offers a trove of information, charting strategies, battles, and pivotal moments that shaped the outcome of the war. With Shulman’s expert narrative, readers gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the Western Front and the ultimate defeat of Nazi Germany. Whether for academic reference or personal interest, this book is an invaluable resource for delving into one of the most significant chapters of the 20th century.
WW2 German Defeat in the West Milton Shulman Hardcover Reference Book
This is a used hardcover WW2 German Defeat in the West Milton Shulman Reference Book. Total of 336 pages with lots of pictures and information.
Availability: Only 1 left in stock